Paranormal From Other Dimensions
Energy fields are organized structures holding consciousness within the “rules” required to remain in a cohesive understanding of itself. The organized structures that hold “rules” which are understood, go into a ‘seen as normal’ file in our mind. What may be seen or felt as supernatural/paranormal, are just a different set of energetic rules, not understood from known facts or beliefs.
Before humans existed on this planet, there were “formed energy societies” just being, hanging out, doing what they do. Anytime something new is introduced into an existing environment, there are going to be adjustments and/or adaptations. Perhaps this is where ritual practices came in. Drumming, rattles, fire, chanting, etc. became a new consciousness to let these other energy fields know “Hey, this is my bubble so stay on the other side, you unwanted energy fields.”
When people see an apparition, floating mist, shadows, ghost animals or a flash of something out of the corner of their eye, maybe that was just a brief intersection of dimensional awareness. Maybe what was seen just happened to be passing through with no connection whatsoever with the person who had the sighting. It could have been equally shocking to the energy field passing through as it was to the human observer!
There are occasions when an encounter turns into an interaction. That is to say when consciousness from one field links up with another field. This is where it gets complex and a whole lot of new questions start percolating.
The most common three questions in this situation are;
1) Am I going crazy?
2) Did I do something to bring this disturbing energy in? (E.G. ghost, demon, entity, poltergeist, creature)
3) What does this thing want from me?
Crazy is as Crazy does. Being in an unnatural situation is, in and of itself, crazy-making. If you are of usual sound mind and body, the situation should be the point of focus. Although action on your behalf may be required . If you are not safe move to a safe place, seek conversation with safe people who are of sound mind and willing to offer useful options. Not ALL of these situations require extreme intervention such as an exorcism or a TV film crew.
In true hauntings, the energy tends to pull the human(s) into the ‘rules’ of whatever has made itself known. This is very unsettling and confusing.
What brought this situation into human realm is a loaded question. Have you dabbled or intentionally opened a portal or pushed the veil with symbols from a ritualistic source? Astral traveled to another dimension? Brought in objects that produced an adrenaline/fear charge? Are you in a spiritual place of questioning beliefs?
If you have crossed the boundaries of another energy world, you will be on their turf and called to play by their rules. Sometimes rituals performed years before by unknown persons can awaken without regard to the current occupants.
There are discussions within paranormal groups asking the question, do other realms invade because they need something or does human consciousness create the paranormal activity? It is also a debated question of whether an energy field can evolve to meet new conscious fields. Ghosts use to be reported as shaking chains or appearing in a cloud of brimstone. Seldom is that the case in contemporary reportings. Either way, the experience is real to whoever finds themselves in theses dimensional/interdimensional situations.
What does this thing want? Fear is a highly charged energy field. It has been conjectured that these paranormal beings feed on fear and become invested in keeping their host in a state of fear or hyper-emotional states. Another way of conveyance for unseen realms seems to be through electricity or things that produce an energy charge, such as batteries or even violent lightening storms.
The important parts to remember in any scary paranormal event is that YOU may not be a target and this is a situation being played out from an unknown set of rules. Assemble yourself into a mental set point of having power, AT LEAST EQUAL to the situation. AND, here is the hard one, are you WILLING to change the situation?
Unfortunately, people can prefer the situation for lots of personal reasons. There are people who love talking about the ‘designer ghost’ (Oh, we named him George and having him around is just an added feature to our house.) or other types of conversation making the other worldly a conversation piece.
The old adage “careful what you wish for” is probably still sage advice.
-Rachel McBride
[Writer Rachel McBride is a skeptical believer who has encountered paranormal occurrences for 50 years. “I do not question the existence of the paranormal. I question how it navigates and knows itself.”]
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