Discoveries Through Psychic Searching.
The conception of Stone Cold Project as a joint effort between me and Lisa Lauderdale was begun in a sincere effort to help find clues and information in unsolved missing person’s cases through psychic ‘seeing’. This pursuit is an ongoing challenge, full of new discoveries about how the human consciousness revels itself and how it can be psychically/intuitively read with integrity.
There is a distinction between psychic and intuitive. In my experience psychic channels extend beyond the physical body while intuition resonates within the body. In both cases it is of utmost importance that being an open, non-judgmental receiver is key to clear information. In focusing on missing persons, I have formed a preference for psychic seeing to ensure that my emotional self is not confusing what is being shown. My personal code of conduct about using my abilities is very clear with regard to integrity and harm to none.
Looking into a missing person’s case has never been taken lightly by me or Lisa, however, there is a learning curve as to how these ‘paranormal’ channels function and we are in continuous pursuit for practical and useful information.
Naturally there is a piece of my human self that gets concerned about getting the information correct. Misleading people or offering false hope around an unsolved case pushes my concerns to a higher level, but ultimately all I can do is clear myself of inner emotions and preconceptions, raise my vibration field into psychic seeing, go looking for that energetic pathway of information and reveal what I find.
This ‘honing’ of psychic looking for missing persons has offered new insights to me and I have had to take each case into personal reflection and clarify how I can be of assistance. What I have found may not be comforting to family members and loved ones or even help solve the unknown. There have been connections to those who are deceased by the hand of another and the only response has been, “I forgive all.” In these encounters no specific details are offered. Other encounters have had more shock and fear, which limits the information to what the person immediately encountered but not a full 360 degree picture. Then there are the persons, who for whatever reason, do not want to be found OR want to be found only by the police (as being less traumatic on the living?). A disappearance case I have been ‘looking’ at for couple of years has been a new set of challenges, in that the person wants to be found, but only when the secrets held are no longer going to be a problem for the family.
I wish this path was as easy a Hollywood movie with clear and easy information complete with theme music however time and space have rules still un-navigated and psychic consciousness is still an intricate human creation with personal will driving it, embodied or not.
The quest goes forward. Thank you for reading and I am open to insightful comments.
Rachel McBride
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