Using intuitive psychic abilities and traditional investigative techniques, we look into unsolved and missing persons cases. It is intended to be a form of help but not as the primary approach. If any information comes into our sight that should be offered to the police, it will be given to them.
Rachel McBride
Rachel McBride has been working in the field of intuitive healing for the majority of her life. Since she was three years old, she has had numerous spiritual and paranormal encounters. At a time where others were frightened to speak about what they were experiencing for fear of ridicule, Rachel embraced what was happening and sought answers. With limited resources, she helped to answer her own questions and those of her friends, colleagues and clients. Her vast knowledge gained through research and personal experiences has helped hundreds of people. People who meet her are often in awe of what she is able to discern simply by reading energy fields.
When I first met Rachel in October of 2010, I had been doing a number of interviews with people who were claiming to be psychic. Rachel is the only one I felt comfortable putting on the spot. I asked her to give me a reading right there in the coffee shop! I was torn. There were a number of things that she picked up on that were correct; Then there a few things that didn’t make sense. But I went with it. Within the next few months, those things that “didn’t quite make sense” manifested.
Since that time, Rachel has humored me with numerous “tests.” I can say with absolute certainty, I believe in this woman. Her honesty and integrity with this gift of hers continues to astound me. She developed her own ethical code years ago in dealing with sensitive information. Rachel does not offer anything to anyone without their permission and refuses to discuss that information with anyone that does not have permission.
Through knowing this woman, my belief in magic and my ability to be awestruck has returned. With this project, we hope to help those who may have lost hope, even if it’s just by listening to people’s stories.
Here’s to our next adventure!
Lisa Lauderdale
Lisa Lauderdale
Let me say up front, I adore Lisa Lauderdale. The past four years have been an amazing happenstance for me and I attribute my friendship with Lisa as a large part of that significant forward motion.
I met Lisa within the first month of moving to Casper, Wyoming via the Paranormal Research Society of Casper, a group she had founded for the express purpose of evidentiary investigations of paranormal claims. She addressed herself as a skeptic and I wondered how does a skeptic begin a paranormal group? It made me smile inside because I knew from that first meeting that this is a woman whose cranium fired with intellect, wit, contemplative reasoning and thoughtful curiosity.
What I have come to know since October of 2010 is that Lisa, born and raised in Casper, holds loyalty to her community, friends and family in ways I am still learning. Watching her formulate a charitable event makes me blink twice. First because she is rather private about how she goes about her life, so it takes a few seconds for me to realize she is working a plan. The second blink is in respectful esteem of how elegant her plans are. The Casper Zombie 5K was a great success 3 years in a row to the benefit of 2 local charities. There were 2 consecutive charity events at Casper BPOE lodge which would not have gotten off the ground if not for the energy and compassion that Lisa brought to bear.
I am still learning from Lisa how to a better community minded person as well as being introduced to music I would never have known to seek out! When someone knows upwards of a thousand pieces of music and the artist I just am impressed, not even to mention my agape bewildered smile at the e-world savvy as to how to plug into, search, download information into a usable form. I am NOT that person but learning to be a little more comfortable in the ways of electronic interfacing with a very patient friend. Thanks!
When I hear a discussion pertaining to devotion, I am mindful about how much energy it takes to actually dedicate time every day to achieve a personal goal. My deep personal goal, IF I put dedication to the test, would be to be take that fitness challenge and get stronger or more agile. As I have sat on the fence for 4 years Lisa took the challenge. If it takes getting up at 3 am, she does it. If it takes changing up her diet, she does it. She has become a role model for several of her friends, including me.
I have had this thing (ESP, Intuitive, Psychic…call it what you will) truly all my life, Lisa is the first person I have ever met who saw and believed in the value this ‘skill’ I hold. I am excited about this project we are forming and I feel confident in this pursuit with Lisa as my friend and Lisa as the honest, straight shooting, clear sighted, brilliant person I knew her to be from the get go.
Rachel McBride